On the Prowl

Content Warning: Implied rape, graphic violence, child abuse

Tags: FFXIV, NSFW, voidsent, murder, dismemberment.

Lazne's footsteps made just enough sound to not stand out, trailing off as she turned a corner. Her form flickered out of sight, and she scrambled to climb up the wall to the balcony above her. It was slower going than usual, with her magitek arm not having the same grip as her old hand.

The faintest outline of a hand reached down from the edge of the balcony, with a hint of glowing eyes that would be terror to anyone else. Her hand found his, and Faolan hauled her up over the railing of the balcony, following her gaze through the chiffon curtain into the bedroom before them.

A naked girl that couldn't have been much over thirteen slipped out of the bed, fresh bruises blooming on her skin. Lazne slowly stepped forward into the room on silent feet, gesturing to the bed behind her and closing in on the girl. The veil hiding her slipped away, and she clapped her hand over the girl's mouth, shushing her with the other.

Faolan descended on the bed in a ripple of darkness, and Theodric Chambers barely got a grunt out before his throat was crushed in Faolan's powerful grip. He sank his teeth into the man's neck, gorging on his aether and blood until he went limp in his hands.

Lazne turned the girl away, hiding her face against her chest with gentle, calming purrs. "He'll never touch anyone again." she whispered. "What's your name?"

"Aida... Who are you? What are you? I can't... M'boss..." Lazne helped the girl get her clothing, keeping her focused on the simple act rather than the horrors happening behind their back.

"A gift from Nymeia, and that's all you ever need know, for all of our safety, alright?" Lazne glanced over her shoulder at the bed. Faolan had torn Theodric's jaw off of his face, eviscerating his torso and ripping his cock from his body, tossing it aside. One ring was plucked from his dead fingers, and Faolan slipped it over his claw with a smile before vanishing back into the shadows.

Laz led Aida to the balcony as the trio vanished from sight with Faolan's magic. Lazne's wind magic delivered them to the ground safely, and they quickly made their way out of the city. Her path meandered and backtracked quite a few times. Finally they arrived at a reclusive cottage on the edge of the Shroud. "Miss Isette will take care of you." Laz smoothed Aida hair and gestured to the door before vanishing into the wind again without even a crunch of dirt beneath her feet.

Farther into the woods, Lazne emptied the contents of her dinner at the base of one of the oak trees. Faolan crouched beside her, with what had to be a look of concern on his dark face. "Are you alright?" His gravely voice murmured to her.

"I... I'll be..." She choked through sobs, shaking like a leaf as she curled in on herself, hugging her knees to her chest.

"These... Men that we hunt... They hurt you?"

"So many times... Other girls too. Girls like Aida." Faolan reached out to brush Lazne's wet cheek with a claw.

"I will feast well, then, as your blade. An agreeable arrangement." He leaned in, brushing his lips on the edge of her ear. "Sate me on their evil flesh, and your little flower need not worry..." One near-hit from a flying fist and a surge of painful aether along their link and Faolan backed off. "Feisty... Just keep to our pact. You are not as strong as you think, little kitten." He dodged the rock she threw as well as her fist, fading into the shasows as he typically lurked around her...